9. Pi-bot (practical)

The below videos show all the different code that was applied to my Robot over 'Arduino' and the second video showing its modification. The LED light test however was not able to be uploaded due to technical difficulties and was approved by my teacher, however it is demonstrated in my ultrasonic and light sensor tests, which both show the application of an LED light. The Motor test was not explicitly uploaded however as a prerequisite for my line following, advanced line following and obstacle avoidance which I demonstrated, I checked with my teacher and was therefore not needed. 

Line Following 

In this video I show the line following test in which our robot demonstrates its detection skills in being able to follow a simple black line. The code used in this video was not modified. 
Line Following Modified 

In this video I show the line following test whose code has been modified to double its normal speed from 100 to 200, hoping that the robot would retain its accuracy whilst increasing speed. Unfortunately, the robot eventually span out of control and therefore was unsuccessful. 

Light Sensor Test

In this video I show the light sensor Test which are indicated by 3 small LED's on the front of the robot and light up when an object gets too close to the robot. Unfortunately, we couldn't add a modification code which was approved by Mr Bailey, however our initial code allowed an LED to light up when an object was placed underneath of the robot chassis next to the LED (we used our fingers.)  

Ultrasonic Sensor

In this video I show the ultrasonic sensor, which is used to determine the approximate distance from the sensor (which is placed on the front of the robot) to an object. The non-modified code made the LED red light flicker on and off when 20 cm away from the ultrasonic sensor. 

Ultrasonic Sensor Modified

In this video I show the modified ultrasonic sensor; the new code enabled the green LED to stay lit at all times until an object came 5cm toward the sensor, then the red LED would light up and stay lit until the robot moved away. 

Obstacle Avoidance 

In this video I show the obstacle avoidance coding, which uses the ultrasonic sensor to determine how far it is away from an object, then dependent on how far away the object is away from the robot, it will stop, make a turn at a set amount of degrees, and continue moving. My non-modified code was set so that the robot would stop 8 cm from an object, then turn 45 degrees, and continue moving. 

Obstacle Avoidance Modified

In this video I show the obstacle avoidance modified coding, My modified code was set so that the robot would stop 5 cm from an object, then turn 90 degrees, and continue moving. The speed was also increased from 100 to 150; whilst decreasing accuracy slightly, it proved to be overall effective. 

Advanced Line Following 

In this video I show the advanced line following code operating on my robot, which similar to the line test follows and tracks the black line. This however, tracks a longer line whose shape is a circle. 

Advanced Line Following 

In this video I show the advanced line following code operating on my robot with modified code. The code that I altered changed the speed of the robot from 70 to 100. I thought that overall, the robot maintained good accuracy and stayed close to the line despite the speed increase. 

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