3. Types of Robots

1.  Using a table, compare and contrast (i.e. similarities and difference) i) Non-Adaptive Robots with ii) Adaptive Robots. Ensure you give some examples and include pictures of each.

Non – Adaptive Robots
Adaptive Robots

A non-adaptive robot is one that will follow the instructions it is given despite changes in the environment. It will only stop until it is shut down by a human operator.

An adaptive robot is a robot that is capable of making decisions based on feedback from the environment, forming the basics for reasoning and intelligent reactions. The input received by a closed-loop system can produce a range of outputs, which depends on additional feedback from the environment. They are also called closed-loop systems, as they use output from their systems to control the behaviour of their systems.

Non-adaptive robots are also known as open-loop systems, as they don't receive feedback from the environment and is hence incapable of making decisions and altering the output

An adaptive robot will need to sore a knowledge base of all the available outputs. Its sensors provide the robot with feedback on the changes in the environment. This will alter the processing carried to the robot and its behaviour so that it can adapt to the changes.

Non-adaptive robots are commonly used in the industry for many tasks, including welding, placing steel into a furnace and drilling a hole. They may be reprogrammable and may alter their tasks by accepting new instructions. This is, however, only possible when the robot is equipped to perform the new task.

An example is the ADAPTIVE ROBOT GRIPPER- 3 finger; the programmable and mechanically intelligent robotic hand enables you to manipulate a wide variety of objects.

Adaptive Robot

Non-adaptive Robot

2. Again, using a table, compare and contrast Industrial Robots with Domestic Robots. Once again, ensure you include examples and pictures.

Industrial Robots

Domestic Robots

An industrial robot is primarily designed to be used in goods manufacturing and is less flexible in terms of number of   tasks that can be made without reprogramming. A big advantage of an   industrial robot compared with a domestic robot is the accuracy, which in this case is at an extremely high level due to manufacturing requirements, often in the area of millimeters or fractions of millimeters.

These robots are designed to serve certain requirements established by humans. Such robot could not meet the   demands if it would not be able to adapt to changes that occur in the environment, it would not be able to accomplish the task if it would not have a real-time feedback of changes.

To be useful, an industrial robot needs a means of carrying out its instructions. Such a means is known as an end effector. An end effector is a mechanical device on the end of a robot arm used to do some useful work.

This type of robots are used in general   for common tasks at home or outside homes, for caring of people of different ages, or robots used during free time as hobby or entertainment.

Common industrial robot applications are molding, picking, packaging, painting, spot welding, coating, arc welding, etc.

Examples of domestic robots are the Talon- military, da Vinci- medical, Kiva System’s- logistics, etc.

Domestic Robot

Industrial Robot

3. Provide a detailed overview of one industrial robot.

The term SCARA is an acronym that stands for Selective Compliant Assembly Robot Arm. Adept's high speed SCARA robot innovations have lead the industry for over twenty-five years.  The SCARA robot is based on a 4-axis design. It is ideal for high-speed assembly, kitting, packaging, and other material-handling applications. The design of SCARA robots is similar to a human arm, since they have an articulated arm which can only swing horizontally. Usually, they have four freely programmable axes allowing handling in plane-parallel surfaces. The shaft serves to install tools and can rotate independently from its vertical motion to freely orientate the product within the work envelope.
Epson SCARA robots prove their strong performance and unparalleled reliability in diverse applications, such as loading and unloading machines, assembling and equipping, packaging and palletising, testing, measuring and checking

Advantages of using this machine include:-
  •  Optimal repeatability and accuracy
  • Outstanding joining properties
  • Self-supporting design allows direct teaching
  • High availability
  • Particularly low-maintenance
  • High point accuracy
  • Low vibration

4. Define Nanotechnology and Nanorobots. Check out the video below for an intro to Nanotechnology (note: it goes for 15 minutes) 

Nanotechnology is a branch of engineering that deals with the design and manufacture of extremely small electronic circuits and mechanical devices built at the molecular level of matter, and can be used across all the other science fields, such as chemistry, biology, physics and materials science. A Nano robot is a tiny machine designed to perform a specific task or tasks repeatedly and with precision at Nano scale dimensions.

5. Do you think there is a place for Nanorobots? Please justify your answer with clear examples. The following video may give you some additional information. 

I firmly believe there is a place for nanotechnology and nanorobots, due to its increasing prevalence in todays society and clear advantages in manufacturing, energy saving, electronics and medicine.

Nanotechnology is already making new materials available that could revolutionise many areas of manufacturing. For example, nanotubes and nano particles, which are tubes and particles only a few atoms across, and aerogels, materials composed of very light and strong materials with remarkable insulating properties, could pave the way for new techniques and superior products. In addition, robots that are only a few nanometers in length, called nanobots, and nanofactories could help construct novel materials and objects.

Nanotechnology may transform the ways in which we obtain and use energy. In particular, it's likely that nanotechnology will make solar power more economical by reducing the cost of constructing solar panels and related equipment. Energy storage devices will become more efficient as a result. Nanotechnology will also open up new methods of generating and storing energy.

The field of electronics is set to be revolutionised by nanotechnology. Quantum dots, for example, are tiny light-producing cells that could be used for illumination or for purposes such as display screens. Silicon chips can already contain millions of components, but the technology is reaching its limit; at a certain point, circuits become so small that if a molecule is out of place the circuit won't work properly. Nanotechnology will allow circuits to be constructed very accurately on an atomic level.

Nanotechnology has the potential to bring major advances in medicine. Nanobots could be sent into a patient's arteries to clear away blockages. Surgeries could become much faster and more accurate. Injuries could be repaired cell-by-cell. It may even become possible to heal genetic conditions by fixing the damaged genes. Nanotechnology could also be used to refine drug production, tailoring drugs at a molecular level to make them more effective and reduce side effects.

6. If you could have a domestic robot built, what would it be and why. Ensure you justify your answer and provide an overview of the features this robot would have.

If I were to create a domestic robot, I would make a general house-cleaning robot called ‘The Cleanerfier 3000’. The reason for the creation of this robot is to ensure that  none of my precious time is wasted and I can fully concentrate on my other invaluable inventions. The purpose of this robot is to conduct general cleaning around the house including cooking, washing, drying and sanitising.
Features of this robot include:

-Head:  Equipped with a satellite beacon in order to receive any messages from my phone or to pick up my voice through voice command. The Cleanerfier is also equipped with a gas mask in order to work in even the foulest conditions!

-Arms: One arm is modified so that it can pick up and carry objects, as well as fingers which can write or draw. The other arm is solely a plunger for cleaning purposes.

- Chest: Fitted on the chest is an adjustable fan in order to not only keep the system clean and cool, but also to cool its owner down as well!
-Legs: The robot is fitted with two sets of tank-like wheels that make it easy to glide effortlessly across any terrain; especially helpful in a messy bedroom…

-Extras: It is also fitted with a re-usable gas canister and lighter in order to cook meals as well as start a warming fire.

7. Based on your design above, see if you can create a replica of your robot by using an online robot design tool (I have included two below, i) Walkinator & ii) Robot 3). Once you have created a robot, ensure you include a print screen of it below, or if it can be animated, then include a giff file, or even use screen-o-matic to record the animation and place it below.

Build a Robot 3

Virtual Robotic Lab

Example of Build a Robot 3

8. For a bit of fun, have a go of the following

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